Bal de Jugon (France)


Formation:  Circle of couples, Varsouvienne position in line of direction.


    3 meas   INTRODUCTION


             FIGURE I  -  HEEL AND TOE

A     1      Both start L, do heel and toe in front of supporting ft (R)

      2      With 3 steps (L-R-L) each partner makes half turn to R (CW) to face

             RLOD.  Do NOT release hands.  M now to R of partner.

    3-4      Repeat action of meas. 1-2 with opposite footwork. 
             Turn to L (CCW).

    5-8      Repeat action of meas. 1-4

   9-16      Repeat action of meas 1-8


             FIGURE II.  - PROMENADE

B 1-14       Dance 14 two-steps, moving in LOD, beginning on L ft

             Repeat dance from beginning.


Miami Valley Folk Dancers  (Page 10)

Mary Ann Herman Weekend, April 18 & 19, 1970

MVFD Syllabus Collection – Copyright Miami Valley Folk Dancers 2004




Monsieur l' curé n' veut pas
que les gars embrassent les filles.
Mais il ne défend pas
que les filles embrassent les gars.

The pastor doesn't want
the boys to kiss the girls.
But he doesn't forbid
the girls to kiss the boys.



Monsieur l' curé n' veut pas
que les gars embrassent les filles.
Mais monsieur l' maire a dit
d' les embrasser malgré lui.

The pastor doesn't want
the boys to kiss the girls.
But the mayor said
to kiss them in spite of him.



Tra la la . . .